Why Nexenta? Employee Perspectives

Nexenta knows the Software-Defined Storage world. We consider ourselves experts within the industry, even across our various teams and job functions. Our tight-knit teams are constantly collaborating with different departments, partners, and customers around the world to leverage each others knowledge and point of views.

We also have passion for our products, company and industry. Whether it’s an Engineer working on the latest product update, or a Sales Rep talking to a new potential customer, our work is driven by passion and excitement for the technology and possibility in making a world impact on SDS.

Here at Nexenta, our employees not only believe in our Software-Defined Storage solution, but can wholeheartedly speak to it. We asked a few of our employees to talk about why they believe in Nexenta. Over the next few weeks we will be releasing entries from our employee’s point of view in a series we’re calling “Why Nexenta- Employee Perspective”. Here are the dates and people you can expect to hear from:

March 8th – Bill Fuller, VP, Engineering

March 14th- Jun Matsuura, Country Manager, Japan

March 20th- Eric Cho, Sales Engineer

March 26th- Rick Hayes, VP, Customer Service