VMware View Acceleration on Display

As VMworld Europe 2013 approaches, Nexenta continues to drive home the advancements in application-centric storage with Nexenta VSA for VMware Horizon View.  As the demo for the show is completed and desktop pools are created and tested, it is always exciting to see some independent test done and presented.  Just ahead of VMworld, VMware’s EUC team posted a blog detailing the results of their testing of Nexenta’s VSA for VMware Horizon View .  With a 72% increase in desktop density and a 38X reduction in physical SAN traffic, VMware found VSA for VMware Horizon View to be key to a successful VDI rollout.  These performance statistics are not just for show.  The reduction in traffic and increased density does not just help the balance sheet, but it can help stalled deployments move forward.

“With VSA for Horizon View, Nexenta has introduced an amazing product that unlocks outstanding user experience at a low TCO and makes it possible to recover stalled deployments without requiring a disruptive and painful rip and replace scenario.”  -John Dodge, VMware

If you would like to see this technology in action for deployments, or performance metrics, or the acceleration it provides, make sure to come by the Nexenta booth (Hall 8, S-300) at VMworld Europe.