Oscar Wahlberg Director, Product Management |
Ashish Nadkarni Research Director, Storage Practice |
July 22, 2015 10 AM PDT | 18:00 GMT
With the first and only object and block storage solution that provides petabyte-scale cluster inline deduplication and compression, NexentaEdge leads the competitive object storage market. Join Nexenta’s Oscar Wahlberg and IDC’s Ashish Nadkarni to discuss and learn about the object storage landscape, its future and use cases around OpenStack clouds, object based active archives and Big Data applications. Oscar will also discuss NexentaEdge’s FlexHash algorithms for continuous data placement optimization, Replicast protocol for low latency network data transfers and Cloud Copy On Write (CCOW) powered unlimited space optimized snapshots and clones. You’re sure to be an object storage expert by the end of this webinar!